You can now play the game using the arrows keys and the Z button to jump (You can press the different buttons with the same function at the same time to get Eggman moving really fast, but there is a speed cap and the usefulness of doing such isn’t that impressive.),so yay more options!
I’ve also tested the game a few times and am impressed with how few bugs appeared, but I would usually get one bug every playthrough, usually involving Break Dancing Eggman getting stuck in a wall. However, I realized what the problem was, and have now fixed it. I’ve also given Eggman more friction when you let go of the directional keys so he is not so slippery.
Only problem left (And can’t figure out how to fix it, because it works for normal Eggman, but not for BD Eggman for some reason), and that is BD Eggman will stop for a second before jumping. This isn’t that bad (In fact, I think it would be a better addition than fixing it!) because BD Eggman is relatively fast and risky, because players will rush with him. If they find themselvs about to be lunged off a cliff, the jump could save them. This “Stop. Jump” only works while he’s NOT rolling(Which most players would be rolling around anyways.)
Anyways, hope Johnny will get around to seeing this finally. So hard to get a hold of the man. GEEZ.