Hey, It’s been a while right?
So, yeah, I was supposed to publish Build 20 a LOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, but hasn’t happened. Strange right? Yep.
Main Issues right now:
-Can’t find the right kind of music
-Level Editing is getting harder
-Unity constantly having issues + building the game takes up to an hour [unlike other builds where it’s just under a minute
-And schoolwork is in the way again
Now for the real part: My work has been stolen and sold for $200 USD
Yes, $200USD. Doesn’t seem like might, but because of this, I am pretty pissed off. I have been considering takedown requests. I am not revealing who it is, but all i’m saying for now, is that my work has been sold, and now, I need to get that taken down and continue on my part of the game.
Expect Build 20 to be out by Late November/Early December.