A Golden Past - Chapter 1: Grand Reopening

2 months ago


(Texture work by: @MeikoHiya )



Next up

These 2 be vibing


Made by @DuckterStRm

Endo retexture by @MeikoHiya

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

So I finished this layout yesterday in GD, it's a desert themed demon (hard/insane around there). I did get lazy at some spots, but that's fiiinnneeeee. Looking for decorators, if not I'm cool just showing off the layout lmao. Had fun making it tho

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

"Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner"

Better look of the outside.

Cutouts are now added. (By @Inky_Bun )

Lighting by: @DaRadsla

Outside map by: @deluxe_rainbow_channel

What do y'all rate for this amazing ass shit here


My Birthday + Final Release

The title screen is now coded! That doesn't mean the game is almost done, no no it's far from being done and I'm seeing next year. However, this is good progress by the talented @GhostGamesX (huge thanks to you bro)

Hope y'all enjoy it! :)