It started when everyone was fed up with the annoying, poorly written fanon AU fights, I'd say around 2021, but it got REALLY popular around 2023.
Now, after IDUTSHANE, basically all the new AUs you see are this "dark edgy AU that is definitely unique". Mostly found on those soundcloud AUsoundtrack pages.
I dont think that the visuals and tracks of these AUs aren't necessarily bad, but it's always the same:
Pick an old AU that has been overdone, completely change it to the point where the only thing in common is the name, make some edgy breakcore/gorenoise music, get a spriter to make a toby style thumbnail, and post on soundcloud/deviantart.
Everything is just so edgy or dark for no reason. There is no reason for a Swap take to be like that. Worst offenders are Dusttale takes, like bro... it gets to a point..
It's also annoying how all of these are just mockups. Sure, you might not have the tools to make a game, or you just don't want to, but if your entire AU exists only as a soundcloud page, it's gonna just get forgotten, sadly, as there are some good concepts still. Games are way more memorable, at least.
I had a lot of fun making that Tears in the Rain game like 3 years ago. I didn't know anything about making fangames but it was still fun, since I liked, and still like, Tears in the Rain. Can we just bring back these types of AUs bro. Sometimes cheesy AUs turn out better.
If you don't believe me, here's some examples. I haven't checked these apart from the name and track names, so if these are actual passion projects with plans of becoming a game feel free to clown me if you feel like I deserve it. (this is literally nothing like dreamtale, I get that you're in a dream world but why call it dreamtale?) (of course its scrapped in less than a year... i mean i told you so)
If you decide to ad hominem because you feel insulted... yeah I don't know what to tell you