Carn-Evil, a 2.5D Horror Puzzle Platformer is now in development! A playable demo will be available soon, as well as regular updates and an inside look into the making of the Game. #Horror #Spooky #Adventure #Puzzle #Platformer #Indie #Story
Next up
A couple more 3D models by @Benjami16758835 Getting that equipment ready for the big night show #indie #indiegame #horror #puzzle #platformer #gamedev #unreal #CarnEvil
Better buckle in~
We have some wonderful background concept by our lead artist https://twitter.com/SspaceOddityy . Really brings out the twisted setting we hope to achieve with Carn-Evil. #Horror #Spooky #Adventure #Puzzle #Platformer #Story #Indie
A few more models by our 3D artist @Benjami16758835 A lot more on the spooky side of things, just what every circus needs am'I'right? #indie #indiegame #horror #puzzle #platformer #gamedev #unreal #CarnEvil #Story
What gooey monstrosities is our 3D modeller @Benjami16758835 cooking up? #Indie #Horror #Spooky #Adventure #Puzzle #Platformer #Story
Got a main menu in the works, never really done any animating before, but I think the simplistic twitch kinda works! #Horror #Spooky #Adventure #Puzzle #Platformer #Story #Indie
Lil update on the logo, have a poll with a few folks to decide which colour scheme to do. The Purple/Green came first as I thought it was the winner, turns out, I can't tell right from left and the White/Red one was the winner. Still they turned out great
Some 3D modelling by our team member @MattInsomniax, wonder what was in there? hmmm... #Horror #Spooky #Adventure #Puzzle #Platformer #Indie #Story
Lil texture work done 'Cotton Candy' anyone? Don't worry, it's 'cherry' flavoured~