Next up
I really love Naz . if it weren't for her , I wont be able to write the generic boring dialogue that some NPCs must have .
If I ever finish this game , it's thanks to her .
The upcoming game is set in the same high schooI as ''MiIker''
it teIIs a unique story,has muItipIe chapters and features a Iarge number of characters from past video games in the serie
The type of humor in ''MiIker'' wiII aIso make a return
Stay tuned !
''Existence'' is still being worked on, so in the meanwhile i strongly recommand trying out the brand new RPG i just finished working on , it's set in the same universe as ''Existence''and ties in directly..
Play it here for free :
Currently writing the ending of the game but because it's unusually long and complex it may take 1-2 days to finish and release the new game.
So in the meantime here is a sneak peek of the main cast of "Null".
(Such a happy famiIy, am I right ?)
"Null" a new murder mystery/ social deduction-based game is coming this week.
This game is probably the last game I'll ever make so I have been working very hard for it to be extra special and for it to be the perfect farewell title to end the series.
So since ''Existence (RPG)'' is taking longer than anticipated to be finished , I decided to release an extended demo with extra content and more polished dialogue .
Ps : Those who played the first demo can choose to continue from the ending of that demo.
If someone asked me to describe '' Existence'' in one line , I would send them this picture .
''Existence (RPG) '' is still under development , its huge seize and my laziness are to blame for the delay .
"CC: The Girl Who chants Love at The Edge of Time" a short game with a unique twist has been released
''Null" a new game has been released.
If you've enjoyed this game then you might be happy to hear that I just pubIished a brand new VisuaI noveI That ties directIy with this game....
PIay it here fore free :