Existence ( RPG)

3 years ago

If you've enjoyed this game then you might be happy to hear that I just pubIished a brand new VisuaI noveI That ties directIy with this game....

PIay it here fore free :



Next up

Currently writing the ending of the game but because it's unusually long and complex it may take 1-2 days to finish and release the new game.

So in the meantime here is a sneak peek of the main cast of "Null".

(Such a happy famiIy, am I right ?)

So since ''Existence (RPG)'' is taking longer than anticipated to be finished , I decided to release an extended demo with extra content and more polished dialogue .

Ps : Those who played the first demo can choose to continue from the ending of that demo.

''Existence'' is still being worked on, so in the meanwhile i strongly recommand trying out the brand new RPG i just finished working on , it's set in the same universe as ''Existence''and ties in directly..

Play it here for free :

The next game I'm releasing is an RPG set in modern day . A game similar to ''Milker'' but with a larger focus on supporting characters and engaging story about protecting what's trully important to you .I will release more info about it every other day.

"CC: The Girl Who chants Love at The Edge of Time" a short game with a unique twist has been released

''Null" a new game has been released.

I really love Naz . if it weren't for her , I wont be able to write the generic boring dialogue that some NPCs must have .

If I ever finish this game , it's thanks to her .

The upcoming game is set in the same high schooI as ''MiIker''

it teIIs a unique story,has muItipIe chapters and features a Iarge number of characters from past video games in the serie

The type of humor in ''MiIker'' wiII aIso make a return

Stay tuned !

If someone asked me to describe '' Existence'' in one line , I would send them this picture .

''Existence (RPG) '' is still under development , its huge seize and my laziness are to blame for the delay .

CC can be harsh sometimes ...

''Existence'' is reaching its final stages of development ...

The full free game is coming here soon...