Carnage in Space: Crucible

3 years ago

Challenge Mode

Just in case the game was too easy for you already.

Hey, I promised I'd talk about Challenge Mode, so I guess now's as good a time as any.

This is the 2nd minigame I've added (after Target Practice), but it will be far from the last.

Once you're a couple chapters into the story, a kid will show up in the spaceport town who wants to see what you're really made of. If you're in a mood to show off, you can oblige - the incentives help.

If you're feeling brave, you can pick any story mission you've already completed, and turn up the difficulty a notch or several. In addition to the existing difficulty settings, this will stack 3 extra challenges to make you really reconsider your current skill level at the game.

Should you succeed, you will be showered in a generous helping of cash to spend on a shiny new weapon or upgrade - which you will ABSOLUTELY NEED ALL OF to beat all of the hardest challenges. There's even a shiny new Nanotech or two to earn here, including the wonderful Regen pack. This one heals you a little every time you take damage, which is a must-have in some of the longer levels.

Just as an example, the Prologue features a nice simple combo of a bunch of harder enemies to fight, a strict time limit before you die, AND you have half your max health to do it with. And this is on top of the existing MASOCHIST difficulty setting, which removes all checkpoints and health drops while boosting enemy damage. Better hope your dodging skills are up to snuff.

I plan to upload a few more screenshots of some of these devious challenges within the next week.

Say, I wonder if any of those fabled "Gun Quirks" I mentioned will come in handy for these?




Next up

Aaaaand, we're back! Development on phase 3 (the final phase!) has begun, with Kodon's last weapon: The Beam Flail!

This is a clumsy but powerful weapon. It has a very long reach and hits hard, but it's not fast. Use it on enemies too close for your gun!

ALL DEVELOPMENT on the 2.0 release is NOW DONE!


All that's left now is the promo art and the trailer, then you'll be getting your hands on it very soon.

Operative Delta, elite assassin.

She'll play some sort of part in Kodon's upcoming story content.

The only question is just how much stabbing this part will involve!

Did I ever tell you that this game is actually fully rendered in 3D???

...Well, it isn't. Anyway, perspective is hard but I managed to get this new shop image drawn up.

Mmm, toasty.

On today's episode of Pixel Art Fundamentals: That is Not What the Sun Looks Like!

Yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I shaded the old version. The new one looks more like an actual light source.

Hmm, what was that someone said about backstabbing?

And here's the shop animation for last week's new flail weapon.

Its jump attack hits a wide area, making it perfect for swatting flying enemies!

It's finally here! Enjoy the story of Crucible again from a new perspective - that of the relentless mechanized alien warrior Tuhrahkkkii!

This update comes with a fully-developed 2nd playable character, and LOADS MORE!


This is Tuhrahkkkii's final alternate weapon, the Beam Claws. These emphasize quick burst damage and hit-and-run tactics. They also pair nicely with the Grappling Hook, but I was too busy kicking fools here to show that off.

Egad, what's with all the enemies popping out of the walls lately? Can't you all just sit out in the open like proper gentlemen?