Project : LIGHT
5 years ago

Change of plans...

Hello everyone, OnlyOneFaz here. Incase you haven't noticed, this game has been inactive for some time.
But, why? What's the reason of me constantly taking breaks? What's the reason for me to constantly not finish my projects???
Well... The problem is, there nothing for these things to stand on. No story, no base, nothing.
This is something that always bugged me, that always killed my games and projects. Yes, this game does and still has the story, but it is not explained very well. Heck, it feels like an Sonic.exe game! That's why I'm ending the project, for now. No more updates, no more news, nothing.

Instead, I will now focus on going from the scratch, starting off new projects. When? I have no clue.
I know one thing, that the first task for me will be defying what these characters are, their goals and stories, their hopes and dreams, their abilities. This project can be followed on my server, The CyberSpace.

If you wanna hop in, link is here
[ ]

There will be soon a new post for the server related exclusively to my universe, but once it's fully set up.

That is all from me for now.
See you all in my next project...



Next up

Sneak Peek for v1.1!

v1.1 is Out!

Trying out the new title screen for the game. Options will be overhauled, and extras have yet to be made, so they arent functional atm. Also new epic animation for new game transition.

#retro #arcade #newtitle #titlescreen

1/4_01, "Rotten Soul"

I kinda wonder would encyclopedia be useful in the game? Or just be a niche thing to have?

Maybe even reveal a lore detail or two, who knows?

#retro #encyclopedia #characterinfo #uselesshashtagbecauseyes

"Charge shots only stop him for a short while."

So, Winter is almost here and so are New Year's Eve and Christmas, so, why not a winter-related stage? Also, ignore the timer, I forgot to remove it.

Le News (Finally)

Finally, after being planned for a while now, Charge Shot has been added!

It becomes available after reaching 2000-2500 Score, and is extremely effective against normal enemies!

Check out the devlog page here:


January 2022 (+December 2021) -Development Report