What is up y'all, David here and oh boy, It's still kinda hard for me to believe it's been one month since I started working on this lol. Time flies haha. Welp, anyways, I'm here to keep you updated on stuff that has been done so far on the game, as well as what I plan on doing! I will divide this post into 4 sections, those being the following:
Artwork and Sprites
Music and Sound Design
Without any further ado, let's jump right into it!
Uhh.... moving along.
Okay but for real, there hasn't really been much story planning as of right now. Currently I only have the rough outline of how I want stuff to play out, so I can't share much...
Artwork and Sprites
Artwork and sprite-wise, there has been a sliiiiight setback, mostly because midway development, I just randomly decided "Hey, this isn't working, let's change everything". And while I am satisfied with results so far, it took alot of time finish all of it. And ironically, I still have some stuff left to revamp, mostly the intro cutscene everyone is gonna skip lmfao. Anyways, here's look at the old and new sprites,

as well as comparison between old and new cutscene images!

more detail makes me go y e s
Anyways, tilesets wise, while I do plan on remaking the entire rtp asset library to fit more with the game, not much work has been put into that and I probably won't do so for who knows how long, maybe a month or two, but oh well.
It will be done tho!
Music and Sound Design
While sound design was epic to work on and all, I am not really satisfied with some of the sounds, especially the camera shutter sound, but some sound 10x better than before. Most of the sounds currently needed are done, but there's a lot more to go for the demo, let alone the full game!
Now music wise, I have learnt a very interesting thing.
1) 8 bit music is really fun to make despite limitations
2) Mixing 8 bit music for online streaming services is a pain in the ass.
Originally, I wanted to keep mixing and mastering music to a minimum so the music would really sound 8 bit, but then soundcloud came and fucked with quality. Then obs came and took the uality from quality so now I only have a q.
Regarding the soundtrack, 3 songs are done, 1 mixed and mastered and 3 left to go. I will release songs throughout february once they are done, so stay tunned!
Game Programming
Long story short, I have been really busy making shit work. In fact, this was my entire winter holiday:

This game is probably the first time I ever touched on variables and the random event spawn thing, so making shit work was hard, but hey, stuff work!
So far:
Entire Arcade phase of stage 1 is functional
New Title and Game Over screen are fully complete (minus the extras)
SP-Camera and Charge Shot work as intended
3 power ups and 1 debuff have been added!
Sanity meter... exists?
Hud has been revamped to clutter the screen less
Recently, this department has been on a hiatus, due to stuff like art and music needing to be done, so uh yeah. Explore phase should start work in about 2 weeks (hopefully), and I can't wait to work on it!

So, to recap!
Story - No significant work done
Art and Sprites - Almost everything has been revamped, cutscene and extras remain
Music and Sound Design - 3 out of 6 songs are complete with 1 mixed and master, and about 40% of the current SE has been altered
Game Programming - SP-Camera and Charge Shot are fully functional, entire arcade phase for stage 1 is done, with 4/5 enemies fully tested and functional. Title screen, game over screen and rough intro cutscene are also done.
And that covers everything done during this month (+ the start of game's development two weeks before New Year).
That is all for today, and now have a good day or night!
- David/OnlyOneFaz