Hey everyone! long time no see right? that's because a lot of things happened in this meaning time, my PC has broken and I was unable to work on the game for a long time, I got at least two months without a PC, a friend helped me to buy some new pieces and I'm very thankful him for that! after I got the PC working I made a small break too to do some others things in my life ( like playing a lot XD sorry about that! ), a few time after that "small break" I started working on the game again and have separated a lot of cool stuff to do in this new version! you guys now have a lot of new things to spend time on this version, I hope you guys like all the new things I worked on!
I would also like to thank my friends that helped me with the testing phase! if they were not helped me with that, this version would be a complete mess! so, here's the changelog:
Added a new item "First Aid"
Added A Perk's System
Added A Reload System
Added The first Boss for the game "The Tank"
Added Ability to Dash by pressing "C" when running
Added A Mini-Map that can be expanded by pressing "M"
Added New Options for the Mini-Map in the "Main Options" and "Controls" tab
Added new option for the Dash in the "Controls" tab
Added a Confirmation message to go back to the menu
Added a Sync for the player bullet's, bullet holes, and Crates
Added a Text Chat when pressing "T" (it also work on the lobby!)
Added Player's ms (ping) on the Match Tab
Added a new option for the "Crouch" in the "Controls Tab" (now you can select if you want to hold or just press to Crouch)
Perks are advantages that the players can buy on the lobby at the cost of "points", you can earn points based on everything you made in a match like build barricades, kill zombies, etc etc.
The perks will be consumed after the match ends so, you can only use the perks for each match you play and it will need to be bought again after the match ends.
The Tank
The Tank is the first boss of the game, he will spawn every 10 waves, he has 1500 of life and much more defense than a normal zombie.
He will also gain 15% of his life based on the number of players that are in the match (2 players = +30%, 3 players = +45%, 4 players = +55%).
When the boss is killed, the player who kills him will receive 1500$ (750x2), other players will receive 750$.
Bloodthirsty Zombie
The Bloodthirsty Zombie is a zombie that will go for the player with less life from anyone on the Team, ignoring players with more life.
The Mini-Map will be a very useful tool for the player's, You can expand the map by pressing "M" and have a view of the entire map, it will show each point where you can:
Unlock Areas
Buy Weapons and Ammo
Where each player are on the map
Where the zombies are on the map
Removed the black and white texture from the floor
Removed the "Player's" text from the Match Tab
Removed the "Kills" text from the HUD (now you need to hold "TAB" to see yours and others kill)
Now you need to use the money to rebuild a barricade instead of gaining it
Now if you hit the zombies in the head with a melee weapon that are not area based damage, it will do double the damage
Now you can quickly attack with the current melee weapon on your inventory by just pressing "X" when holding other weapons
Decreased the size of the bullet capsules
Decreased the intensity from the lights of all shop
Decreased a bit the width of the Crosshair and Hitmaker
Changed the Shotgun damage from 18 to 11
Changed the Pistol damage from 24 to 20
Changed the Colt damage from 48 to 39
Changed the Desert Eagle damage from 46 to 40
Changed the price from a few areas and guns
Changed the flashlight key bind from "T" to "H"
Changed the Match end screen, now it shows when everyone dies
Changed the style of the player interface
Changed the positions from the items on the back of the player's
Increased a bit the size of the acid puddles
Reworked the Melee Weapons System
Reworked the barricade System as an attempt to decrease the internet usage to lower the client's ping
Reworked the Money Popup System
Reworked the Inventory System
Reworked some code to change how the game sync the player's inventory
Improved the Developer Console logs
Improved some HUD element's, now they are animated instead of being manipulated through scripts (aka hitmaker and wave count)
Fixed a bug where you could buy grenades and not lose money
Fixed a bug that the player was receiving the money from the hit and the kill from the zombie instead of just the kill money
Fixed a bug that the "Reset" button for the key binds could not work properly
Fixed lot's of problems with some labels and buttons on the HUD
Fixed a bug where the player back items could not be generated correctly
Fixed a bug where the player could come with a gray skin on the lobby