Added an extra variable “Damage” which is used for total damage calculations taking current shield level into consideration.
Added placeholder score counter, no highscore recording as of yet. Score resets upon player’s respawn
Replaced the placeholder GUI elements for armor and shields with actual GUI.
Resized game window, added larger background image.
Replaced player ship sprite, added more animations.
*Old Death animation is still present in the game as placeholder.
Added explosion animation for mines
Added collision events for mines, collision with player now results death
Upon spawning, mines will start moving towards player’s position, while performing sine movement “dodging”
If player object is not present, mines will move towards bottom.
Every time between 5 and 15 seconds, game will now enter “minefield mode” upon which it’ll be spawning mines for 5 seconds
Uploaded the game on Gamejolt!
Added mines
Added basic shield regeneration
Enemies no longer shoot in sync, their fire rate is now randomized per-instance.
Fixed a bug where enemy ships were shooting even if “death” animation was being played.
Lowered damage caused by colission with enemy bullet so player can take more hits now.
Collision with asteroid now causes damage to armor and shields. The smaller asteroid becomes the less damage it causes.