3 years ago

chapter 4

Max: Okay now what?

Mickey: I don't know

Mickey: Wait did the comments say something bad that you didn't want to read them?

Max: I have an idea

Mickey: ?

Max: I have something to show you

Mickey: What is it?

Max: A video game

Mickey: Oh!

Mickey: What kind of video game?

Max: Platformer

Mickey: Oh alright

Max: Multiplayer want to play a few rounds for beta testing

Mickey: Sure

Oswald: Okay you too have fun I'll be going out for a bit

Mickey: Alright, bye oswald

Oswald: Bye!

[Now it's time for the Oswald monologue]

in Oswald's head: my name is Oswald J rabbit I have so many children I can't count look up the Oddball stuff like that two weeks ago my wife died good fricking grief swear this better not be what I think it is due to someone pulling their life support cord ever since then my relationship status has been single I used to be the star of a series of shorts put out by Universal now I am in the new Mickey Mouse show attempt to get to bed by 8 p.m. at the latest although that will often not work I try to sleep till 8 a.m. but yet again that will often not work I'm not much of a drinker although depending on the day I might smoke why am I telling you all this I don't know this is my interior monologue I don't know why I'm doing this

Oswald: You know what

Oswald: Ortensia would have wanted me to move on

[A few minutes later]

Oswald: Hey you mind helping me out Mickey?

Mickey: .....

Oswald: Mickey!

Mickey: Wha huh? what is it Ozzy?

Oswald: I need your help with something tell no one else though

Mickey: Okay I won't tell anybody, tell me what you need help with

Oswald: Do you know any good speed dating joints

Mickey: Hmmm, no not really...

Oswald: F#ck, I'm going to have to ask Max aren't I?

Mickey: Yeah.... sorry Ozzy.

Oswald: As payback you're coming with me

Mickey: Okay..

Oswald: Now follow me or am I going to have to drag you by the ear

Mickey: [follow]

Oswald: Okay Max tell me some good speed dating places and if you tell anyone about this I will personally ensure you do not wake up tomorrow

Max: follow me

Max: Funny you two are here I already pre-entered U2 Mickey you're in the room on the left of us Oswald you're on the right

Mickey: Okay

Oswald: Okay

*meanwhile on the other side of the building*

Daisy: Well then I guess I have the left room

announcer: let me tell you the rules of this facility we have six contestants six males and six females all per room do you have a left right and middle room everyone will have a meet up with each contestant of the opposite gender then at the end each person will decide on the person who they sell for if anyone at all if two agree well they know what to do for the rest our first round begins in three seconds

Oswald: here we go no need to fret all caution to the wind as they say hope you are right about this one ortensia

Daisy: how do I let you get me into this Donald

Mickey: uh...

announcer: round 1 begin

announcer: in the left room we have Mickey and Daisy in the right room in the right room we have Oswald and Fanny in the middle room we have corn and cob let the speed dating begin

Oswald: Fanny.............................

Fanny: well it's been a while hasn't it~

Oswald:it sure has..........

Oswald: you. materialistic. sociopathic. b*ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Oswald slammed the table so hard that Mickey and Daisy all the way in the left room could hear it*

Daisy: what the f*ck who's slamming the table at a speed dating event

Mickey: Uhh... I dont know..

Mickey: could be oswald?

Daisy: so what were the odds of Us ending up at the exact same table huh

Mickey: [shrug]

Daisy: we already know each other pretty well I snuck in some DS's want to play some Mario

Mickey: Sure!

*in the middle room corn and cob he didn't know who we were the man who are starting their beautiful love story but we don't need to get into that so what's go back to the left the room*

Fanny: well those are strong words aren't they osy

Oswald: shut up all you are is ben is a Tormentor to me you've always been stuck in your own little world why do you think I dumped you all those years ago

Fanny: Oswald don't be silly you know we were meant to be why don't we just quit this and go get a bite to eat

Oswald: shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fanny: you know they wanted us to be together maybe that life support would have been running a little longer~

Oswald: say one more thing about the life support and I'll turn you into a living punching bag b*ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey: .-.

Daisy: okay what kind of conversation is happening over in left

Mickey: I dont even know.

Daisy:wait didn't the announcer say that the people in that room were named Oswald and Fanny

Mickey: Well that explains why Oswald is probably mad

Daisy: just his luck let's hope this was just a coincidence

announcer: that's round one over next up is Mickey and Adeline in left Oswald and well I don't know their name but they're an Egyptian princess end in Middle there's Cornelia and nelia corn

Mickey: huh

Adeline: I was actually sent here cuz my friends say that my boyfriend is a regular here I want to see if he's cheating

Mickey: Intresting.

Adeline: want to listen to some tunes I think I actually have the entire soundtrack of your old show

Mickey: Sure, why not

*meanwhile with Oswald*

Oswald: oh I remember you from Africa you're a cheater I'll just listen to some tunes cuz I know I'm not picking you if I am anyone

African girl: I've changed

Africa girl: I finally managed to get him off my chest he was abusing me for years

Oswald: okay then I guess we can chat

Oswald: I never did get your name

African girl: well good thing I changed it my new name is Nela

Oswald: okay I guess we can talk

*after a little bit of Oswald chattering with neia and Mickey looking back on good memories with a new friend the announcer announces the next round*

announcer: next up is Mickey Mouse and Ursula Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Mortimer Mouse and Oswald

Mickey: wat

Oswald: Mortimer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mortimer: surprise I'm assuming you're not buy or anything so movie?

me: wat

Oswald: okay glad to see you're finally out of the closet what movie you want to watch

Mortimer: the first Pokemon movie

Oswald: no way that's my favourite movie

Mortimer: come on I got a dual headphone jack

Oswald: oh hell yes

*meanwhile with Mickey who is currently suffering*

Mickey: ......,..bhg/j.,

Ursula: so how should I kill you for being part of my speed dating room

Mickey: heck

announcer: I noticed due to unexpected recorded circumstances this round is over and the contestant Ursula is booted

Mickey: thank god

Mortimer: dang looks like our movie is getting cut short but I think I can understand why

Mortimer: but Oswald thanks for being so supportive I thought you were going to be homophobic about the whole thing that was why I was worried about you being in my room but you're pretty cool thanks man

Oswald: no problem I'm not going to let Walt rub off on me

announcer: next up we have Walter and Fanny I mean kainos and Fanny I mean Oswald and Fanny Mickey Mouse and Daisy and I don't know corn on cob again the the thing is nearly over now

Mickey: welp, guess were here again

Daisy: I think last round we were here we had a tie on that Mario score that means we have a score to settle

Mickey: yeah

*meanwhile with Oswald and Fanny*

Fanny: here we are again you ready to ditch this place and have a dinner

Oswald: what you said earlier you fell right into the Trap you've become the prime suspect in the murder of my wife

Oswald: and I'll be sure to inform Mr. McDuck

Oswald: you're either end up in prison or a mental Ward

Fanny: I wouldn't think you'd be wise for you to do that you wouldn't want to make a contestant or to go missing would you

Oswald: you crazy b*ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oswald: you're an absolute idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't you remember this whole thing is being recorded!

Mickey: They're arguing again-

Daisy: feigning ignorance I think I was able to hear that and what in the absolute f*ck

Mickey: ehmm

Daisy: but you know between these two rounds we've had a lot of fun

Mickey: Yeah!

Daisy: you know maybe it was a good thing we got the same room

Mickey: Yeah it is a good thing

Daisy: guess it's a good thing Oswald roped you along huh

Mickey: ?

Daisy: remember you told me that Oswald roped you into this whole speed-dating thing in the first place

Mickey: Oh right!

Mickey: Yeah

Daisy: we have a few seconds left on the clock on our game and the exact same amount of time left on the speed-dating thing let's settle this score and maybe we'll meet up at that Diner across the street from your house tomorrow sound good

Mickey: Yeah, sounds good.

meanwhile with Oswald and Fanny

Fanny: they know they can't do anything

Oswald in his head: damn it this b*ch mentally unhinged in every sense of the word

announcer: and now it's choosing time bring out all contestants

Oswald in his head: okay I have a plan

Oswald in head: the one that seems like it's time that they want us to pick out the people who we liked the most throughout the school ordeal I think I'm going to choose Nela but we're going to have to run from that crazy piece of sh*t used to call my girlfriend so if they choose me to we're going to have to run and run fast

announcer: if you felt a connection with someone over everyone else say their name if you did not wish to date anyone say the word none

Oswald: Nela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nela: Oswald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fanny: Oswald

*now over in the right room with Mickey Daisy and more*

announcer: right room you must also choose heard the instructions the first time so now do as you must

Daisy: well I think I'd be saying this but Mickey

Mickey: daisy?

*how to get reuse drop off a little bit later with Mickey and Daisy leaving the building they see Oswald and nela running at top speed at the building*

Mickey: what the

Fanny: you can't run from fate Ozzyy~

Daisy: ayo what's the f*ck

Mickey: who tf is that

Daisy: that's Oswald's sociopathic EX

Mickey: oh

Mickey: is she a bad person?

Daisy: he's a sociopathic materialistic b*ch

Mickey: .......oh

Daisy: and she's the person I've suspected the most for the murder of Oswald's wife

Mickey: Oh heck-

Mickey: Wait I remember she got killed?

Daisy: some random psycho pulled their life-support plug while they were still getting better

Daisy: Scrooge on the hospital that they were recovering in so he decided to launch a full investigation into who did it I've been part of that investigation to

Mickey: She's evil

Daisy: we haven't been able to get any evidence yet though well any other evidence the government would consider so we haven't been able to turn them in

Daisy: I think Oswald might have some case evidence and that's why he's running

Mickey: oh

Daisy: I think we should go for now see you at the cafe tomorrow

[tbc lol

lots of spelling errors but ok]



Next up

Some random ass ships people suggested on tiktok


hi welcome to the easter special

by me and @Mr_noreason

also no this is not chapter 3

how wonderful

asshole and dipshit