Burnout or (@valtaoi270 )
description: a corrupted flame f*****d up personality
ranged attacker
weapons': back spikes (long range move)
special move: ignition corruption. description: a fire (or forest fire) of corruption
@Manic0626 (or @Manic0626_alt
description: a green hedgehog
ranged allrounder
Weapons': Pensword (get it? its a pencil and a sword)
special move: UNC-FNAX. description: all people from manic game including his drawing and friends attack a random player
@KainAustin365 (he isn't a dev but i just wanted to do him)
Description: a black among us
melee attacker (some range)
weapons': knife
special move: Finale form. description: you'll only know this if u played imposter v4
Description: a green hedgehog with an hat
range defender (i may change this)
weapons: a computer
Special move: scratching my head. Description: uses computer goes on scratch and use all the scratch blocks to do damage and make an wall
Description: an blue hedgehog with a BOW tie
melee supporter
Weapons: higher quality computer
Unite move: scratch blue . Description: uses higher quality computer goes on scratch and use all the scratch blocks to do heal and make an wall. (basically scratching my head but it heals u its very effective against manic)
Others ima gonna do later (its night time for me)