Playtime with Percy

3 months ago

Christmas Update + More

(Post Artwork by ChocolatePlushy on BlueSky)

Merry Christmas, everyone! It's been one hell of a year (for one reason or another). Still, as a generalized update on plans over here- seeing as it IS the end of the year, I figured I'd go over a lot of the "new" stuff we've been doing behind the scenes, on top of (directly) talking about the plans for the Steam release that's been going on behind the scenes.



I'm glad you asked! We've been mainly hard at work bringing you one "true" final (for real this time) update in the form of a "Version 2.0" of the game - closing the game as we know it, both in terms of content, story, and updates while leaving the game in a state that I'm most content with for people to come and go with for years to come.

And of course, to signal this- we'll be releasing this package of the game, on Steam, for no additional charge! Despite being told NUMEROUS TIMES that I should put a price behind the game- I simply can't! So once things are ready on our end, we'll put up a page when we have things to show properly.

As you can see with the GIF, we've been chipping away at adding a ton of quality-of-life updates/changes to this version of the game- such as this in-game achievements menu! And by the looks of things, there seem to be new achievements for you to obtain as well! How nifty...



(Spritework by @amnotdonut .)

Well, since you asked so nicely; I'd like to quickly go over the biggest inclusion of the content update being added to the Steam release: New Game+

New Game+ is a fairly simple idea, in which we simply asked ourselves a very, very simple question: "What if Nick wasn't there?"

So New Game+ goes over that, with a brand-new character as his stand-in: June Jazmin! Someone you MIGHT have remembered originally from THIS post back in April of this year!


(Artwork by @Vampymatsu .)

In case you need a refresher (and to give a bit of insight) - June is the total opposite of Nick, both in terms of personality and overall actions. So, just in case this wasn't apparent; not only is June's week at Percy's going to be more of a challenge, but there'll be an entirely new story to coincide with it.


(In-game W.I.P of the new Opening Cutscene for New Game+. Concept artwork/storyboard by @FazieFunbear .)

As I said in the post I linked above; June is someone who was always meant to debut in the story I wish to fully tell, there just had to have been a way to naturally introduce her into the world... so this was the best option given! I think you'll like her as a character, she does a lot of things Nick wouldn't even DREAM of doing, so who knows how her story/gameplay will play out...


Before we wrap up, there's at least one more thing I'd like to go over, and it's arguably the biggest thing we're doing for the Steam release...

As some of you MAY know; around the time of the first anniversary of the game, we launched a website simply titled, which as of writing this, can be viewed and interacted with like any normal website would be, as seen below:


This is a campaign we're slowly pushing out to tease what might very well be (as said prior) the biggest inclusion apart of the Steam release... that I'd like to talk about, but we don't have a lot ready to show for it JUST yet.

I mean, just look at the page count for the document I made to cover the plans for it! We'd be here all day...


However, that'd be a pretty crap way to end this post off, huh? So, since I like you people, I'll show off a very simple, but very important character to this elaborate plan we're doing. That, of course, being...


(Artwork by @Vampymatsu .)

Kate Kellen! Hey, just like the image above says!

Kate is a Paltronics/Percy's Playhouse OBSESSED fan (-hey, she sounds a lot like you guys!), and is voiced by @amnotdonut . She's been a very fun character to write and slowly introduce into our world, and I think people are going to like her. Personality-wise, she's a combined personality of both Nick and June, so I can imagine you get the kind of antics she's likely to get herself into...



(Comic by @FazieFunbear .)

This is where we're going to wrap up things for now though, with another development log not coming until major progress has been made on all ends - so it'll be awhile, but I promise the wait's gonna be worth it!

The Steam release, inadvertently, is something we're very excited to get to work on- both for one reason or another. The team and I wouldn't have imagined the insane reception to it - and we're glad everyone on all ends has been so, so supportive of the general idea.

If you wish to stay updated... first of all, keep checking that website I linked! It's always changing, and you can even send your new pal Kate an email if you have any questions; or just wish to get to know her better, I'm sure she'd appreciate it!

But secondly, I post a LOT of updates/drawings/and more on my socials, my most active ones being:

You can also check out Playtime with Percy-oriented posts on either its Twitter or BlueSky here as well if you wish!

So generally, if you wish to stay updated... follow/join/etc. these platforms! The reach is something that'd I appreciate, and of course- I'd still post updates here up until we're ready for release, naturally.

That's about it for now. We're very excited to kick this off into full gear and start the new year off strong. Until we meet again!

  • FazieFunbear



Next up

It’s a Christmas miracle!

"BY THE HOUR" just had it's first "night" release, the theme was "Just Keep Moving", which you... well, just keep moving!

You can download the first 3 games down below. Tune in when week 2 drops in the following two weeks!

(Artwork by @Mecabuyte )

@ByTheHour By The Hour Night 4 has released! The theme of this one was "Sci-Fi" - so everything here is FUTURISTIC! Or, well, something along that line...

I made dis I think

"BY THE HOUR" Night 2 has dropped - the theme this time around, was "So Retro"... so we're going back to the good old days of debatably-questionable quality games about one-off OCs, obscure secondary characters getting attention, and more within this one!

practice also oh my lordy lord tightsocks post after like 14 days merry lertmas everyone!

It seems that pesky parasite changed the plans! Instead of Charlie Cat Plushies... It's plushies of your best PAL! This can't be good...

Pal Percy Plushies (with 3 swappable faces!) are out now for 3 WEEKS ONLY! Get them here:

Happy Halloween!... And an ALSO happy 1-year anniversary to the short animatic we released around this time - "Percy's Playhouse in: Hallowed Hijinks"!

PLAYTIME'S NOT OVER YET - an original fan song based on Playtime with Percy, made by @hysteridungeon , is going live TODAY!

This is something I got to do the artwork for, with the addition of bringing on a few friends to help with as well.