Hello, everyone!
A lot of you have been recently asking about the Chapter 3 release date.
I want to be fully honest with you right from the start: we're not sure we're going to finish it before 2020 ends. I'm not saying we won't, but there's a possibility that we won't.
Don't get me wrong, Chapter 3 is very close to being complete. But there's still a lot of work ahead and one of our main artists has been away recently, so spritework progress has been going a lot slower.
That's where you come in: if you're good at drawing and you like Undertale Green, this is your chance to join the team!
You can fill in this form right here to send your application:
The team will review every form and pick the one that we like the most. If we pick you, we will contact you on Discord and you can immediately start chatting with the devs, read Chapter 3's script and help us finish it :)
Hopefully the addition of a new artist will help us get back on track and maybe release Chapter 3 in 2020. (no promises, tho)
Thank you all for reading!
Have a nice day <3