Its now been 2 weeks and I didn’t work on the game, not even once.
The reason for this is college, as I am getting frustrated between collage, social, and developer life.
The field in which I study is computers and automation, and can actually help expand my programming knowledge.
The game is actually 95% done, and is very close to release, but the lack of time and stability are putting the game in a stall position.
I will hopefully find a good work schedule to balance studying, having fun and work on the game.
I am very sorry for the slow progress, but it got harder since college started.
Next up
Hello Everyone!
I added 2 new Heavy Weapons.
Lightning Strike which branches to nearby enemies and a continuous laser stream.
There might be some effect issues that I will surely fix 😁
Hope you like it!
Criticism will help.
WIP character design for the captain of the BD-20f (SkyWings' main fighter ship)
I will post better looking pics of both the ship and the captains when they are ready.
Hope you like them :)
Any criticism would be very helpful!
The Final Boss! *The Final Boss* is a fierce sorcerer with sneaky tricks. hard to beat , can summon minions , use magic , teleport from place to another , dash attack the player and more !
I Added a new formation maneuver used to get the ships closer and focus fire, dodging some bullets + dealing more damage.
The other maneuver makes the side ships move towards the camera, avoiding damage but losing the ability to shoot.
Hope you like it :)
Some gameplay showing different weapons and equipment.
I Also added some slow motion on big explosions, though it is maybe not noticeable for now 😅
Hope you like it, and sorry for the lag at the start!
Any criticism will help
Skywings' flagship, the Harpy Eagle!
Big sized, strong and fierce.
Can switch between homing and normal bullets, its shape also transforms!
I will post gameplay footage very soon, hope you will like it :)
Achievements and saving system + got some sound effects! I made 11 Achievements and planning to add more. I also got some sound effects ready, hopefully the game will be finished this week :) see you next week!
A Skywings' faction only formation can totally sweep the field!
In factions and heroes ships from the same faction can benefit greatly from other ship's existence!
Hope you like!
Any criticism or ideas to improve the game will help :)
Now you can equip different weapons to ships!
Opening the door to even more combinations between ships, weapons, equipments... the possibilities are now even larger!
Hope you like it :)
any criticism will help!
new enemy type : mage banes !! mage banes can summon skullheads and do melee attacks if the player is close. thoughts? :)