Hello! There’re many people who ask ‘bout the origin of my game. They said that my game copy another game. Well, here’s my answer:
First, I didn’t broke the copyright rule,
Second, My game is entirely different from this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King’s_Quest
And third, read this:
Naming a game the same as another game is not Illegal or against any rules. How come?
Ideas are overlap and no one can come up with something, even a title without it already been used at least once in history. As well on the matter the only thing that would make it illegal is if you steal the entire content of the game of someone else’s without their permission. There is nothing wrong since it is only a name it is like saying naming a child, “Jason” is illegal because there is already 1 named that.
It is only the inside that really should be watched. It would confuse people if their are 2 things with the same names so allot of people will try to keep different names to prevent this. But it is safer if nothing of VX is being used for sold purpose because then you would have to find a better way to avoid any trouble with other people. But making something for the fun of it is not wrong to give people a smile on their face and express your emotion to them. I figure this will be a great understanding to anyone who looks in this topic and ask the same question to themselves. There is nothing wrong in giving them a same name as all they will do is find a way to mean a game they are talking about. (I have seen things copy names of another when they where made by 2 or more different groups.)