Hello everyone! This time for my little roguelike, I’ve been focusing in enhance graphics and fixing bugs, here full release notes:
BUG avoid monsters next to the player on dungeon generation
BUG by Archifenix: “Players pick up and feels a lot better (+10 HP)” does not actually give you the 10 HP. There was not even a visual health bar change.
BUG Found a bug by Archifenix: Finally, the README is incomplete. “CryptoRl 2 is a cave-dungeon roguelike based on Crypto setting [1], setting in a dark underterrain world full of monsters.” Footnote [1] is never provided. And the word “setting” appears twice in a row.
added efffect support and shake effect suggested by ArchRylen
when torch is used, updated alphamap
removed block trap
added step indicator
updated tileset following Saltgames tutorial: http://www.saltgames.com/article/awareTiles/