11 months ago

Cult Updates and Old Bugfix!

On my quest to elevate Cult faction gameplay, I've rolled out a variety of enhancements and tweaks.

-Resolved an issue where Fyegrayed's fury barred access to the close menu post-tutorial completion.

-Action Points And Movement points are only wiped when building if you actually choose a spot now, they are refunded if you dont and you can keep moving around.

-Smart Bandits/WIldlife better labeled on skirmish setup screen

-Fixed bug where game changed state even when AI upgraded buildings causing weird stuff like healthbars spazzing out. (They still spaz out sometimes but due to another issue)

-Enhanced AI's tactical prowess in naval warfare, enabling it to effectively exploit ship hard counter bonuses.

-"Mass Sacrifice" has received a substantial boost. In certain cases, enemy units are not just eliminated; they are resurrected as phantoms, which will let you defend your territory a bit better.

-Mass sacrifice can now impact world owner faction. (Republc on novus imperium world age and the corrupted republic on grex tenebris world age)

-Mass Sacrifice can now destroy control points (But will sometimes capture them, so you have to be careful) with great power comes great responsibility.

-Fine-tuned the resource rewards associated with "Mass Sacrifice" to better balance its impact on gameplay.

-Cultists now possess the unique ability to extract additional runes from tiles with the "Ancient Rune" effect, marking another strategic tile effect exclusive to their factions.



Next up

"Assassins, Cults and Fungi Oh My" DR4X Changelog #86 2/18/2024

Plentiful Harvest and Ichor and Pqvv'Ger rebalancing.

Oo actually got 4 downloads yesterday. Hope folks like it! Anyway dice time!

Rolled a nat 20. Man i feel like I should do something special for this but I can't come up with anything.

Still. Free. Though.

Changes for 0.1.28 below:

Forgot to roll yesterday so i'll roll twice today. First one.

Still free.

Someone got the bad ending... DR4X Changelog #80 11/05/2023

Rolled a 13.

It’s still free.

Welp finally rolled a 4.

Game will no longer be feee when I get around to updating it tonight I guess.

Baa. DR4X Changelog #81 11/24/2023

Rolled a 12. Still free.