You might be wondering about some things in this game after beating it, so….Here we go.
First off, the ending is a bit of a teaser for The Game for People Without Internet or Cable. Just to know, me(Crystal) will reappear in that game, alongside another character from another game I’m working on. A minor complaint the judge who…well, judged this game, was that I could have improved Crystal’s room a lot more. In other words, I could have added ‘some nice flair’.
Well, I learned my lesson, of course, and decided to give some flair to the room. Compare the room you see in this game, to this room:

This new and improved room shall appear in The Game For People Without Internet or Cable. So get hyped, I guess. I always had a thing with stars, so I made a colorful star using all the carpets on the center. The two pink beds belong to Crystal, and another character named Nina Persona Char, or NPC. The ‘bed’ on the bottom right belongs to Eruza Ybur, a odd young man who travels the world. He was the one who added the extra flair into the room. He talks very slowly.
There’s a table and chairs for relaxation and eating. The shelf contains clothes, there’s some plushies, and a bookcase. Such flair! So cool room.
Now, Slime Queen having less EXP than Slime Princess was a stupid mistake. Don’t think I’m gonna correct it, though.
I love cookies very much. I love succubus characters very much. Cookie in a nutshell.
The maze might not be really called a maze, but it looked maze-like, so I called it that.
…And, that’s all I got.