
8 years ago

Custom Games Mk1. Update – Out Now!

After a week of testing and tweaking, we’re happy to announce that we have officially launched Custom Games Mk1. We’ve been blown away by your love and support for the new mode and we’re continually amazed by your Custom Games creativity – keep those YouTube videos coming; we love ’em.

In addition to officially launching Custom Games Mk1. we’ve added the much-requested Robits to all reward crates; this includes end of battle crates, purchased crates, daily login crates and level up crates too!

There’s also a new Ninja Mask Cosmetic too – we kinda snuck that one out there all ninjery like.

As usual, we’ve made some other improvements and fixed a stack of bugs too


  • Custom Games Mk1 - Custom Games has taken a LOT of development effort to support. We’ve had to rework our entire server infrastructure and lobby code to enable it. We’re releasing Custom Games in four stages; the first, the MK1 release, we will official release tomorrow. The reason we’re splitting it up like this is to get the feature to you as quickly as possible, by doing it in steps we can get it to you quicker and get it stable faster and learn from the way you are using the feature and feedback on the feature when it’s live.

  • In Custom Games Mk1 you can invite 1-9 players to play private games, choose game mode, choose map, and host a private custom games chat channel

  • Robits in crates - All players will now have the opportunity to receive Robits in all salvage reward crates. Robits will be dropped into crates randomly - the same as all other items. The drop rates and Robit reward amounts are:

  • Ninja Mask Cosmetic - Channel your inner-ninja with the awesome ninja mask cosmetic that’s now available in the game. You can forge the parts or find them in crates



Based on your feedback from the Custom Games Mk1. Alpha test last week, we’ve made a number of changes and improvements to some of the Custom Games user-interface.

  • Friend/Clan drop-down added to Custom Games and Party widgets. To invite more players to a Custom Game or Party the leader simply clicks on the ‘plus’ icon in the appropriate team and then invites players, either by typing in the username or by clicking on a friend/clanmate who is currently online from a scrollable drop down list that appears.

  • User-interface improvements to the Custom Games Widget in both Edit and Garage Modes

  • When a Custom Game leader queues up, all other players will now see a dialogue stating ‘Your party is waiting for you’

  • All uncommon, common and rare items in crates now appear’ quicker


  • Fixed a bug which caused an ‘Error loading clan info’ message to appear when a player appeared in the same clan multiple times

  • Fixed a bug which caused a grey border to appear around both the Robocraft & New Zealand Holoflag images in the inventory and forge screens

  • The Speedometer and Altimeter no longer colour bleed on higher quality settings

  • Fixed a bug which caused the overlay for ‘Pending Invite’ and ‘In-game’ to turn player avatars black

  • Fixed a bug which allowed invited Custom Game players to interact with the Custom Games Widget

  • Fixed a bug which allowed a player to create a Custom Game whilst invited to another

  • Updated the ‘drag and drop players’ label so that it no longer appears for Custom Game invitees

  • Fixed a visual bug that gave the impression that Custom Games invitees could change settings

  • Fixed a bug which caused the Custom game widget to cover the ‘advanced info’ stats on all resolutions

  • Fixed a bug which caused the Robocraft cursor to still be present in Edit mode

  • Having the block party invites box checked now prevents players from receiving Custom Game invitations
    -Fixed a bug which caused an unintentional monochrome effect to a player when being hit by an EMP in battle

  • Fixed a bug which caused the BRAWL description to appear incorrect

  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the bay to rotate in garage view while dragging players from team to team in a custom game

  • Fixed the ceiling boundary on Tihonium Canyon and Tharsis Rift maps.



Next up

Custom Games Mk1. Alpha Test – Now Live!

Aerofoils Update - Out Now!

Wheely Big Update - Out Now!

TX Cubes & Health Boost Update - Out Now!

Heavy Artillery BRAWL - Now Live!

Dev Jam #9 - Simmons on NEW VIABLE WHEELS

Windowmaker Update - Out Now!

Hallowfest 4 - OUT NOW!

Carbon 6 Sprinter Legs - Out Now!

Body Builder Update - Out Now!