The Redhatted Funhouse

2 hours ago

Damn.. I joined Gamejolt 3 years ago on January 18th

Here's a few drawings of Ber + TRHF news below!

Sorry for not posting updates and stuff like I said I would... I genuinely could care less for Gamejolt as like none of my friends actually know wth it is + I also just get random urges that last like 2 weeks telling me to work on TRHF (I also have school)

I (privately) released a demo to people on discord who wanted to play test it!! (A friend and the phone caller VA)

Feedback was fantastic! now just like me, nobody thought the game was fantastic..

But there's like 2-4 bugs that I need to fix... They aren't gonna be fun to fix... Like at all


Bug 1: Squik just doesn't appear on the Bathroom camera, along with Ber and Clucky not always appearing too

Bug 2: Squik "technically" is only in the backstage but also isn't... Cameras never show him yet he does move

Bug 3: Nights completely skip 4AM for some reason (swear I didn't do that...)


Random urges to work on TRHF, 3 bugs with 2 of them seeming annoying to fix



Next up

Whaddya got there?


You guys should join The Redhatted Funhouse's studio community‼️‼️‼️‼️ please‼️‼️‼️‼️

Just to let everyone know, doesnt matter that much..

but i completely changed the Gamejolt login system, i moved over to Softeds Turbowarp to Gamejolt API, it works much better

And if you havent yet, i suggest joining the Discord!!

Thank you for the 3.000 followers on The Return to Bloody Nights VR game page!

As we promised here are the remastered characters!

"We wouldn't want any surprises? Would we?"



Its my first time making an animated thumbnail and its the best i can do + i had no other ideas.

The banner is supposed to replicate the "TV commerical" i made for TRHF (PINNED DEVLOG POST)

I may update the media images too!!

Just finished the Gamejolt Login screen for The Redhatted Funhouse!

If you want more updates and exclusive stuff join the Discord server!

as a final goodbye (there's still a chance). Here's this Jolly 4 wallpaper I made for 30K Follower milestone. I'd like to share more if Ivan is fine with me doing.


If you want to hear what these sound like.. maybe you should join the server!