
5 years ago




Next up

I added one more type of platform to Spin! Plus. This one rotates constantly.

Our Discord server is live!

We’re also gearing up for a playtest in the near future, and we’ll be looking for dedicated testers directly from our Discord community.

There is now new type of platform in Spin! Plus :D

Devlog 1: Context & Background

Introducing the world of Dark Queen: A Journey into Myth, Legend, and History

Dark Queen is set in early 15th century Croatia. Players take on a role of the Crusader on a quest to rescue his beloved from the Dark Queen’s castle.

Inspired by Croatian literature and Slavic folklore, specifically the August Šenoa's The Snake Queen.

Makes you consider timing more while you play

Tweak the position of the platforms, press play, fail, repeat.


We showcased our game at 2 gaming events (even Deadpool played it).

People managed to tear it apart but that's just what we needed. Coming up soon: playtesting with our Discord community (

Timing is a must