“The hour strange”
If you play in a specific hour, the game may change, literally.
You may take a big surprise.
On the other hand…
In the development of the game, i have planned add more rooms in the V1.0.2
“The hour strange”
If you play in a specific hour, the game may change, literally.
You may take a big surprise.
On the other hand…
In the development of the game, i have planned add more rooms in the V1.0.2
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.8.1
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.9.0 - The mirror game
Videogame in development... Map 20
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.8.0 - The garden
Videogame in development... Map 20
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.7.0 - The docks
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.10.0 - Silence Zone!
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending - Map 9AM Soon...
Dark Changes Update Dark Changes V1.0.4 Changes made: -Add More “Papels of help”. -Add Text for help in the game. Cambios hechos: -Se añadieron “papeles de ayuda” -Se añadió textos para ayudar en el juego.
Dark Changes: Lugubrious Heartrending V0.10.1