
Comments (16)

What do you think?

So Scary. I was shaking after I made a video of it. Watch it here :

Made a video of this game. Got spooped.

Is the red eye supposed to appear in the final stage? I mean, where I can get in after turning all the 4 valves. If it is, that's too much!

I reaaaaaaally tried to beat it...but its impossible!

Name Your Price

Dark Changes V 1.0.4

Version: 1.0.4about 7 years ago
Dark Changes V1.0.4 - 95.7 MB(43 MB .rar)

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Dark Changes V1.0.4

A simple videogame of terror.
A strange place where the fearsome abnormalities hug the dark.
They will try to confuse you, be careful.
can you escape of this strange place?

Recommended to use headphones and play in the dark.(Very important)


If you found a bug, please, you comment it.

Te has perdidos en las penumbras de un extraño sitio donde la oscuridad abraza anormalidades temibles que hasta tu misma mirada no sera capaz de creer. ¿Podrás guiarte y encontrar la salida de este lugar?

Información Importante / Important information

  • Controls/Controles | Function/Función

  • Up | You walk forward / Tu caminas hacia adelante

  • Down | You walk backwards / Tu caminas hacia atrás

  • Left | You walk to the left / Caminas hacia la izquierda

  • Right | You walk to the right / Caminas hacia la derecha

  • Space | You run / Tu corres

  • Esc | Exit game / Salir del juego

  • Mouse | View control / Control de la vista


The valves activate -> the water fountains
The water fountains activate -> the lights that are inside the dark room
-You must find 4 valves and turn each one.
-You must find a lever and click on it.
-Go to the room of the water fountains.
-You must enter the dark room and follow the lights and...
-You will find the exit.(The white room)
(Do not be too long in the darkness of the dark room or you will die )
(if you play on a hour determined, the game can change )

(The Game is version 1.0.4, but it will receive updates)


#terror #Horror #DarkChanges #random #fear #short #dark


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Dark Changes Update

Dark Changes V1.0.4

Changes made:

-Add More “Papels of help”.
-Add Text for help in the game.

Cambios hechos:

-Se añadieron “papeles de ayuda”
-Se añadió textos para ayudar en el juego.

Dark Changes V1.0.3

Dark Changes V1.0.2

Dark Changes "The hour strange"

Dark Changes V1.0.1