Day 155: Today I did some stuff. I’m trying to end this lgo quickly, because I really want to go play some games. So it’s going to be shorter and also I’m writing it quicker. Expect more errors, and less good stuff. But I still did quite a lot of stuff, so don’t think that because I don’t write a lot of stuff, it means that I didn’t do a lot stuff. Stuff.
Daily interesting things:
Story of some people who went from AAA to indie. It was a good read.
Reddit post, what’s the absolute minimum in a portfolio. I don’t remember why I noticed this link. But I know that there was a reason, so check it out.
GDC talk about bad advices that the speakers gave before. It was really cool. Cool enough for me to want to watch only ten minutes of it, and end up watching it all. I love the part where Rami Ismail speaks. Even if it was a bit hard to understand without subtitles. Lot of comments said that this was a useless talk, and that it was too broad and inapplicable. I disagree, especially since it says that advises can’t help really help you directly. It just gives more perspective.
Tasks done:
Planned the sprint. As usual I created my trello cards, with the sutff on the back of my mind, the milestone draft doc, and some playing around in Unity. It’s hard to think that this is one of the last sprints. I only have the “trying to better the graphics” and the “trying to do some communication for the release” sprint. And the last one isn’t really a sprint.
Changed the fill direction of the weapon cooldown. Before you had a full bar that got empty has the weapon got hot. I thought it was weird. Especially since in french I put something like “Hotness of the weapon” instead of “cooldown”. So it made more sense to make the bar fill as the weapon get hot.
Made that when you press A in the intro cut scene, it skips the fade in. That way if you want to spam the A button to skip the cutscene, you can. This should come handy, especially in presentations.
Made a button to switch the language. Well said like that it seems easy. But it’s not. The settings menu is horrible. Really, everything is positioned by hand. And it’s not even easy to replicate this menu in the other scenes that need it… Oh and I had to completely change the layout to include the button. I put the audio volume slider in another pane. And I also add to add a button to open the audio volume pane. So all this took a lot of time, and is a lot of work on the UI editor, which isn’t code, and is frankly way more boring. Good thing is that I already had planned how to switch the language. I just had to changed the player preference and dispatch the appropriate event.
Fixed a bunch of bugs with the localization. Surprisingly, when I could test the language switch immediately, a lot of bugs appeared. Stuff like, text not localized, text not updated when changing language. And so on. So I fixed all that. Oh and I had a super weird bug with the achievement. I had a private string that seemed to be reseted to the constructor value while it was changed in a function. But it turned out that it was another instance that didn’t called the function that changes the string at start. So yeah a lot of yelling for nothing.