I am glad to announce that all the maps have been built at long last!
Huzzah! Hooray! Way-ta go!
But of course that means another task will certainly take its place until the game is done. That particular task is the biggest one of all.
Pixel art.
Yup tonight begins the most arduous task of them all. My forte is usually dialogue and building maps inside the software (as I can control that) but I wanted to go a little further with this game and actually design my own sprites for each ego as well as perhaps Mark.
But it’s actually been fun to try and master colour and create form and all that (with a bit of help ^-^’) so I’ll offer a tiny peek at my progress with my favourite ego (not sure his colours will make an appearance but we’ll see) and inform you that the next few days will be dedicated to creating all the egos soon to be featured. Once that’s done we shall move onto event making and sewing them all together!
Oh boy oh boy we’re a’ moving now lads!