Day 93: Today I wanted to finish the achievement system. I didn’t. That means it’s not the end of the sprint. It still felt like a productive day though. Even if I have to admit that I spent some time watching a twitch video of two chatbots talking to each other. It was very funny.
Daily interesting stuff:
Article about the sales of steam in 2016. It’s an article written by the creator of steamspy. It’s very informative.
Reddit post about VR being 0.38% of users. And it went right to “Is VR really going to be a thing?”.
Reddit post about a guy releasing his game (and kinda doing an AMA). I asked about the legal trouble of getting on steam since he was an Hobbyist. He said it wasn’t complicated. But he still set up a personal company. I don’t really want to do that..
Tasks done:
Wrote a BaseAchievement class. I thought about it and even if I’m not a fan of inheritance I thought it would be useful. Since each achievement will have specific conditions and even listeners I don’t see why not put them in a separate class. Plus I can attach achievement directly in the player prefab. That’s nice because achievements are tight to ships. You need to perform them with a specific ship to unlock layouts. The base class then is just a way to not repeat basic stuff like checking if the achievement has already been unlocked.
Wrote the “absorb bullet with shield” achievement. I wanted to implement at least one achievement to make sure the system is working. And like always actually making stuff made me realize all the things I forgot. But I made it work. Well, “work” as in “the data is changed like it should” work.
Did a MBTI (like) personality test. This doesn’t sounds like a relevant thing, but it is I swear. I took it on this site, and seriously this might be the most important link I posted in all the log. The accuracy of this test is nothing like the bland fake “Facebook” tests you can find. This is based on actual scientific methods and known studies. I even bought the detailed profile. It contains really specific data on self motivation and other work related stuff tailored for my personality. So you see it is work related after all.
Showed the necessary achievement when a ship is locked. I used the ship details pane. So that way when you try to select a layout, if it’s unlocked you see its stats if it’s not, you see the achievement to unlock it. I was happy when I finished this because it made me think the game looked like an actual game.
Fixed an obvious bug I didn’t noticed before. You could actually select a lock ship. Isn’t that stupid? There was no check for the locked state in the selection. But there were a stock check though. Crazy right? I guess I’m just too kind with my game. I don’t try hard enough to break it.
Started working on showing the achievement in a sub menu in the pause menu. It started great. I had some trouble with the quirky Unity auto layout but in general it was ok. But then I thought that I needed to have all the ships achievement and even those unlocked. And then that I need the description. And then that unlocked should be in another color. But since it was already 18:00 and friday, I decided to not finish this sprint today. Maybe that way I’ll have less trouble to get back into work on Monday.