Well, I’m calling it quits for the 3rd day, today was reallly boring, I struggled with an enemy AI system for something like 5 hours, then added a bunch of buggy features. I’ve been pretty tired today as I wasn’t able to sleep much last night due to a certain member of my family.
I’ve sent some emails to someone who’s willing to do the music for the game today. Not really sure how that will turn out, I ended up suggesting a song inspired by the Django: Unchained theme and some techno song. Very excited to see how it turns out.
The things I did today are as follows: Added waypoint system for enemies, changed the player movement script, added 2 rocket banks for the ship, added a new rocket shooting enemy, named the original enemy Harpies, changed up the defualt gun, fixed the axis controller, added enemy shooting, implemented enemy death, implemented Harpy model(made by a friend).
Also I did homework… It was so fun…