DeadTale Reborn[ALPHATEST]

4 years ago


Good day, players!

We want to start this post with a kind note that not so long ago our game turned a year old, and we are really happy about it. This project has become an integral part of us and, we hope that for you it is the same.

We also decided that now, instead of short posts, we will conduct devlogs that describe the work process and the result itself in more detail. For now, here is a list of changes that we have developed during this time:

1. The server.

We decided that creating our own server would be the most correct solution, because now it allows you to fix the lags that were on earlier versions. Example situations where a player can accidentally or intentionally ruin the gameplay:

1.1 The timer before the game starts works only if the host has not minimized the game.

1.2 If you change your tab, it will be impossible to kill you.

2. New database.

A completely new database, as well as the server, will have a wider functionality. Do not worry about the fact that your data may be lost. In update 1.3, you will have the opportunity to return everything. You won't lose anything!

3. Mandatory email confirmation.

This is necessary in order to confirm your email and, in case of loss of the password, restore it yourself.

4. Updated speaker.

Now you can choose a color for your message, more additions planned for the future.

5. New map loading system.

The map loading system has been redesigned so that maps are automatically created along with the collision. Thanks to this system, you can create a waiting room and after the end of the match, each player will still remain in it.

6. Updated chat system.

7. The ability to change the properties of the room.

Thanks to this system, you can change such parameters as: the name of the room, deleting the password, the maximum number of players in the room.




Next up





[DeadTaleReborn 1.2] Update




[DeadTaleReborn 1.2] Update

Where do you think this door leads?