Good day to all players of our modest project. In this post, we will talk about the game's current situation. Let's start the news pleasantly: since January, the development of the next global update ( version 1.3 ) has started - this update will have the most additions. Before this update, of course, there will be other, smaller updates, about fixing bugs, adding new characters, functionality, and so on. If we take the neutral side, we don't know when exactly the update 1.3 will be released. We aren't going to reveal information and dates in order to preserve the intrigue. Spoilers, as usual, will not be so much. But it's worth it, believe me! Thank you on behalf of our entire team for your patience and staying along with us.
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Where do you think this door leads?
[DeadTaleReborn 1.2] Update
[DeadTaleReborn 1.2] Update