Okay, so this post is sort of a meme, sort of true thing I'm doing because I thought it would be funny.
Now, on to the rules!
RULE ONE: Be unique.
Whenever I make a project, I always try to make it super unique, so people don't confuse it with my other work. It's kind of impossible to mistake certain things now, but in the future, when I have more things, it will most likely be that way.
RULE TWO: Honor the fans!
I have a very small fanbase, but I will try my hardest to try and make the fans happy with how things turn out. Not a lot of people like stuff that either doesn't make sense or is just dumb.
RULE THREE: Build myself!
I want to build my fanbase and name on my own, and I try my hardest to do so. And so, I've made about 35 followers by the time of writing this. I think I'm doing good!
RULE FOUR: Destroy my mistakes.
I get angry when I make mistakes, and whenever I see something, I did wrong, I rewrite it or try to improve in every way possible. My game, Copy's Quest, was terrible when I first made it. Then I decided to remake the entire game, and now I have a Let's Play series on it!
RULE FIVE: Remove "Unnecessary" moments from my story.
What I mean by this is... I don't want to put in any moments that seem like fanservice. I. HATE. FANSERVICE. I don't mean good fanservice, like moments built up for years, I mean the "suggestive" type of fanservice! Also, I'm a basic functioning member of society, of course, I wouldn't put that in. All I'm saying is to respect your characters, if you don't, why should the fans?