This time, I’ll introduce how the enemies actually move.
watching points are:
-Razor clam
Highly resistant to horizontal attack (20 hits)
helpless to vertical attack (1 hit)
Betty is hard to beat them without special weapon, but she can fly above them.
to Cecily, they are just energy charger.
-Scallop (small)
Has a little endurance (2-3 hit)
better shoot them when they are on the ground. if you try to pass them they will fire high-mobility missile.
with Amy, just keep firing and run, or jump.
Betty or Cecily can easily defeat them.
-Giant clam
There’s 3 attack methods.
basically you should shoot lower shell to open upper shell.
shoot upper shell, ricochet will damage the core. despite of what weapon you use, ricochet does same damage. so this will take time.
shoot core from above. this will deal weapon damage+critical damage.
shoot core from just beside. highly dangerous but Cecily can do this easily.
Invulnerable under water.
1 hit will take him out, but he is faster than flying grunts.
-Turban shell
designated to fight HFAC. pretty hard to beat.
has easy attack pattern, but it won’t appear alone.
-Scallop (big)
designated to fight HF ‘AB’.
when angry, it consumes its health. can defeat without attack.
you can find safe zone, but it will be fixed.
Thank you for watching!