Muppy The Bunny 2 : A 3D Platforming Adventure
7 years ago

Demo Coming Out June 18th

Just wanted to announce I will release a short demo tomorrow. Though it won’t have any cut-scenes :( the fill game will though.

Also just a heads up the full game will cost money, though it will be a “pay what you want” the lowest price you can pay will be 30 cent.



Next up

Learning to shade attempt 2, Won't post them all obviously but shocked at the improvement already. Still a lot of room for improvement though!

Thinking of trying for more of a 2.5d style, only major issues is that slopes are a pain in the butt to do, and I'll have to rework most(if not all) of the original code since the demo(which I'll have to do anyways), and the cutscenes will be harder to do

My first attempts at following @souptaels shading tutorial. I love their art so much! I definitely see several places it could be improved but having barely attempted to shade at all before I'm shocked at how much better it looks than how I did it before!

Progress is going smoothly once again, my attempts at animating the cutscenes are still...not good, but I am learning.

I met Charles Martinet(former voice of like %99 of the Mario cast) today!

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).

Alright, got things flowing a little better already, still obviously very early but overall starting to shape up really well IMO.

I was originally going to do the prologue section last, since the original plan was that it would a remake of MTB:TDOW but I changed most of the plot and gameplay so I decided to do it first plus it stands on its own anyways. So anyways here is a teaser!

Early Screenshots Of Muppy 3

Concept art for the first mini boss Ally Gater, I really like how she turned out.