Hey guys, as you can see i realised the first demo of the game!
It’s a quick demo, and it features a very very small portion of the game (something like 5-10%) and it might not have that much content, but i have to say this actually helped the full game’s developement too.
Before finishing this demo, i had this idea of writing an actual script for the game, and well, that was the best idea i ever had;
Aside from all the problems and things that got me busy with other stuff, there was something else that was making the developement so slow: sometimes i get stuck after finishing a section of the game and don’t know what to start working on next, but now that i have a script written for it, i always know what comes next and i’m ready to work on it.
I also discovered a trick while watching Dawko’s interview with Scott,
Most of the time something takes a lot of time to load and that can get annoying, but splitting the image’s size in half and making the game resize it makes it less heavy for the game’s memory and so it loads faster.
Anyways, This is hopefully the last public Early-access build that i make about this game, i know what to work on next, and i’m doing my best to finish this project!
I’m going to have an exam soon (math exam) so i will take another small break, but as soon as i’m done with it i will start working on this game.
Enjoy! ;)