Hello everybody, and happy Wednesday!
I wanted to let you all know that Depth 6 version 2.0 is now available. With version 2 comes an entire new area to explore (Hell hole) which also offers as an alternative route to Depth 4. This serves very well for replayablility purposes, allowing you to take differing paths for each playthrough. Hell Hole offers approximately 8-10 min of new content and fright!
Here is a list of all changes and fixes completed in version 2.0 of Depth 6:
- [New Content] - Hell Hole (Alternative route to Depth 4 at the bottom of Depth 3).
- [New Content] - Minor additions to existing game (Triggers and assets),
- [Update] - Unity Engine updated to version 2020.3.2.
- [Fixes] - Added multiple safeguards to prevent the very unlucky few from falling through the map. Safeguards will teleport player back into a certain area of their current depth.
- [Fixes] - Beginning date subtitles changed to reflect actual story timeline.
- [Fixes] - Removed the ability to climb up the Depth 3 world tree.
- [Fixes] - Fixed several instances where the player was able to get stuck in the map (Collisions).
- [Fixes] - Several textures have been increased in resolution.
- [Fixes] - Slightly decreased the player footstep volume.
- [Fixes] - Spelling and grammar errors.
Let me end this off by once again thanking you all for supporting this game and its development. I am very happy to see that many of you enjoy Depth 6 and what is has to offer. As always, I will do my best to improve my craft, and create and even better game to come!
Cheers, everybody. And happy gaming!
Depth 6 is available on Steam at: