Those Nights at Villca's: the Classic Breakfast Collection

1 month ago

Dev Blog 01 - Those Nights at Villca's Classic Edition V2!

Good morning, afternoon, or evening to everyone!

I know, someone might say, "Villca, didn’t you cancel the updates?" And yes, I did, but I had a last-minute change of plans. I recently noticed that this saga wasn’t aging well, especially the first game (as a reminder, the art for TNaV 1 CE was created around mid-2021). You’ll see that compared to TNaV 2 Welcome Back, the style has changed because I gave it its own unique style. Back then, I didn’t plan to make sequels or anything similar, so I decided to work on these updates to make the games more enjoyable in terms of visuals and gameplay

What will be worked on in the V2 updates?

In terms of visuals, TNaV 1 CE is the most affected, with about 80% of the game’s art being redone (excluding the jumpscares and some endings).


As for gameplay, improvements are being made to ensure the game is neither boring nor too easy, offering a greater challenge for both veteran and new players!

Here’s a comparison of the art from V1 / V2:


We hope you’ll enjoy the V2 updates for these games! Phase 1 has officially begun, starting with the update for TNaV 1 CE. More dev blogs will be coming in the future, please be patient, and your support is greatly appreciated!

- Villca_Toons



Next up

Hey, the final stickers for this season are finally here, featuring the classic TNaV saga!

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I've always wanted to ask this to my followers

What avatar frames and backgrounds would you like to see related to my work?

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