Here's an example of what the Icons for faces look like by the way. Here's our main character, Veil. He's an evil wizard. That may change in game. And I don't mean like "Imma make him a good guy from the start" kinda deal. During the game's story he might change. [I had to clarify cuz somebody gonna get confused]

Here is the WIP Icon Set for the game itself. It has the status effect icons here, the money, the food, the potions, the armor, the weapons, the stats, everything. Except for the fact that it's still not done. Just thought I'd show it off for the first time.

And to keep the trend of showing off an enemy, here's an enemy we find in the third region we visit in game. A casual Thief. But no, he's not human. He's apart of a species we find out more about later in the game.
So aside from that, this concludes this months Game Dev Log.