Welcome to the future. Welcome... to a "Dev-Log."
Hello everyone, today is a big day for Stretch's DUSTTALE. I've had this on my mind for a while, and I think it's time for a rebrand; we're now switching to DUSTTALE: I MISS YOU.
Why the Rebrand?
Well, I'm not the only one working on DUSTTALE anymore. I'm moving out in two months, so I've had to work a ton, which gives me little to no free time to dedicate to DUSTTALE. Even when I do get time, I'm so burnt out from work that I don't feel like working on it. So, I've assembled a small team. While I am the lead on all designs, attack patterns, and story, others have stepped in to work on aspects I can't manage. DUSTTALE is still progressing well, thanks to them, and progress is faster than it was before.
This game is now a shared group project, and having my name plastered on the logo felt unfair to everyone else who has been working just as hard to make this game as good as possible. Additionally, DUSTTALE's story has been fully developed, and I think this new title fits perfectly.
What does this mean?
Well, DUSTTALE has undergone a significant art revamp. Most of the sprites are being updated since we've brought on some better artists ((Delta)) and collaborated with individuals like @_Dend and @Sharfav3in
on art elements such as the new logo and backgrounds. Don't worry; this isn't a complete overhaul of the engine and every attack pattern. It's more about polishing something that was quite old. The game still has great progress. Don't believe me? Here are some teasers.
Act 1 Remade:

New Waterfall Overworld:


New Location?:

I'm really proud of the progress we have thus far, and were still working as hard as we can to get stuff done, so please be patient. I'd rather take my time and make something good than make more generic UTC garbage, and I would show more but that would take all the fun out of it. This game is really turning into something beautiful, and I cant wait to share it with all of you, I miss you.