Hello! here's eretuek to tell you how much progress we made though all this Time! Sorry for not doing a Dev update at the start of the month but we have a lot of news! as well the game is already at the 57% of comepletetion meaning that this is surely realising at the end of september or in the middle of octuber for sure. Let's start with the news!
Section 1 Comeplete
the section 1 has been comepleted! it is the smallest section of the Game but it has a lot of stuff to do in it, Like fighting a miniboss

Cute sunflower, the miniboss of the Forest.
You can fight her with his own theme and also get a special Decor for defeating her, there's also stuff You Unlock from defeating her but that's something you can find out by youself! talking about the mini boss but what about the Boss?
Nano! The 3rd Ally!

Nano! the "ass kicker professional" is the boss for the Forest, he will join the party after you defeat them! he is one of the characters with most ATK but Lower DEF, he can lower defense by rushing at them and charge to kick harder.
He is also getting a seccond phase to break thought it all.

Your not careful and he'll kicks your ass as a professional.
Section 2: The Desert!
The Desert might be the largest Section Of the Game, in fact is one of the hardest section with a lot of enemies with different mechanics and also will include bonus bosses, here's a little screenshot of how the desert is Looking so far!

The Desert will also have this own Mines with even Lore on them, You can explore them for items and a find out about many stuff Like... Paper clips!

The Game Has now Trophies! They are still beign added, you'll be able to gain them by recruiting allies or defeating bosses.
End Of The Update.
thanks For following the game Dev of this game and also supporting us and me specialy me to keep the Dev of this Silly Weird Game! i've got a bit less motivated on working on this and it's not beacuse i'm working Now in another project, i kinda get burned out from this Game, it's so far the game that I spent the most time on. and specialy with the situation on my country it's been kinda hard to connect to the sites i usually connect to work. But this Game Will release no matter what.