I spend most of my time this week creating a keybinding menu, which is accessible from the main menu and should work for keyboards and controllers, this should especially help people with different keyboard layouts or controllers to play the game.
I also added a lobby room where players that spawn mid-round get placed, they can wait for the round to finish there and will be placed ingame when the next one starts.
I will randomize the team of the last player that joined if there is an uneven number of players or if you play alone soon, so you wont always play as cop in these scenarios.
I will now focus on new maps, a single player mode and an improved tutorial, aswell as bugfixes/improvements.
Q: When will the game go out of Early Access and where will it be available?
A: It will be out when its complete, fun and mostly bugfree, hopefully around early to mid 2018. It will be sold on Steam for a low price, and testers of this EA version that helped me out with their feedback, suggestions and bugreports will get free keys, of course.
Q: Does this game support singleplayer?
A: Not right now, but I plan to add either singleplayer missions or the normal online game mode with bots.
Q: Will this game support controllers and VR?
A: VR support isnt planned, it already supports controllers.
Q: How can I help with the development of the game?
A: Playing it with some friends and giving feedback is really appreciated, if you have any questions or feedback tell me here or on https://discord.gg/AuaXkam.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!