xThe Norshire Messengers is my game for the #lowrezjam. I’m panning to make it a adventure/turnbased crossover with rather minimalized game systems (which doesn’t -unfortunately- mean that it’s not quite big). I have a backup plan that involves cutting a lot but for now i’ll keep developing and it’s going quite well.
The Norshire Messengers will suggest (because really in 32x32 pixels there’s not a whole lot of room/pixels for story) the story of a band of people who’ve taken it upon theirselves to deliver messages between the villages of Norshire.
One of the major challenges of #lowrezjam is rendering text in the given resolution. I could tackle by trying to reduce everything that needs to be read to a maximum number of 4-6 characters, but I’ve decided to try to find a substituion for texts - such as sigils for villages, emoticons for words, etc.
Another challenge is user interface: i could’ve made an all-time-on-screen interace but decided to make discrete**‘screens’** that are shown on button press, giving me more pixels to display information and save screen space.
I’ll try to keep you up to date on the development ^°^
Here’s a preview of my compass-system: