City Of Utopia

4 years ago

Development Update Two Years on

So, City of Utopia seems to have been forgotten about. Is it so? Well, I will be clearing up about the development of the game, and what has been going on these past two years.

Firstly, the lack of updates. There has obviously been a lack of updates and new content. why has the game been stuck in Christmas land for the past two years even mid-summer? This would be because of...

The Engine, so how about that engine that was announced some time ago now, where is that? you may remember that I announced two new engines a 2D engine and a 3D engine and would be bringing City of Utopia to the 3D engine. This has still remained the goal however, There have been some difficulties getting the 3D engine to where it needs to be, and it has been delayed many times. As for the 2D engine, you can actually find it working with Arena Madness, which is my latest game. however I am still working hard on the 3D City of Utopia Engine, I don't currently have any dates or planned release times but I hope to get it into your hands as soon as possible.

So When the engine is released? As for the direction of the Unity version of the game after the full proper release of the C++ version. The Unity version will receive one final update and will still be available for download however it will no longer be sported and all future updates will take place on the C++ version of the game. however, this will not be until the C++ version meets or exceeds the Unity version.



Next up

Arena Madness 3D!

New Update, Devblog coming Soon

Early Access!

this has gone too far, I wrote every line of code in this program from scratch. THERE IS NO MALWARE, MICROSOFT NEEDS TO FIX THIS!

Sneak Peak

Day/Night Cycle, And More, City of Utopia News

Custom Tank Colors Coming soon