Lets List Of the Things That Are New, The things that have been Removed and the stuff that changed.
Trophies (achievements)
Post Processing
End Day Cool Down
Cash Score Board (Kind of)
City Level
To be honest I don't know of anything being removed
The Music and Main Menu
Let's Have a Quick Rundown of the Trophies

The Post Processing adds a slight tone to the overall look of the game, there are different post-processing sets for each weather type. a good example of how post-processing is used is when it's foggy there is less saturation making everything a bit duller and when the sun is out it's colourfull and has a warmer colour pallet.
The End of day cooldown is a five second cooldown put in place to slow to the game down and prevent people from spamming the end day button and progressing to fast with an auto clicker.
there is also now a Cash Score Board Right Now I'm the only one on there but I bet you can pass me.
the City level is used to determine when tier 2 buildings are unlocked
There are Hidden Easter Eggs
Just go find them ;)