Dungeon Progress
I decided to replace all of the dungeons with one new one that includes a bit of backstory to the dungeon and a few more details. More dungeons coming soon!

Title Screen, Options Menu, Pause
I’ve redone the UI for the title, added an options menu (including an invert mouse y option, however you must do it in the pause menu or it won’t work until I sort out a few things), and a pause menu.

Quick Overview of Major Changes
1) Certain items are breakable now, you can break them by shooting them.
2) AI now get slowed down slightly for a second when shot.
3) AI now attack in increments with a cool down, instead of just instantly sucking your health.
4) Background gets slightly darkened when reading books and pausing the game.
5) Redid the tome learning system so now you can learn them in any order.
6) Fixed a number of bugs.
7) A bunch more that I should’ve written down.