Hey all! We are back and have more surprises, we have noticed that there hasn't been a devlog in about 6 months now and we all sincerely apologize we are trying to limit the seen things so you guys can have more surprises instead of spoilers. The team still has been polishing extra content in each of the phases which is why so much time was consumed. Now without further ado let's get started!

First, we have the overworld section of Call of The Void, This is 90% finished, but it needs some polishing, there is not much to say about it more to show it is mostly accurate to Undertale's with a few changes, we have added a special item that you guys may like!

Second, Phase 1 is completed, The Coders and team agreed to improve some the visuals and attacks. Now Sans uses bone walls way more often rather than using Gaster blasters when they are unnecessary.

Third, we have Phase 2 which is also 100% finished (Including Phase 2.5 Preview). Like Phase 1, we have been working on this phase to improve attacks, visuals and song loops.

Time for the first part of the three phases! (Phase 3A) This phase is the most complete out of all the three and we are excited to show some of the progression we have for it so sit back and relax. Just as a side note: Everything that you are about to see it is a WIP, everything is subject to change in the final version.

Now, for the second part of the three phases! (Phase 3B) This phase is not complete besides the intro of the phase which you will see in the following video, next devlog you will see more of phase 3B, and we are excited to show the new content awaiting and of course, the great papyrus will be expecting you too.

There is a new soundtrack by @nikmendoza check it out! We thank him for making this soundtrack for our team :)
Welp that's all we had in store for this devlog we wanted to say we will be seeing you sooner or later next devlog and we want to say Happy Holidays!