Hey all! After we showcased the entirety of Phase 3A on YouTube, we decided to go over the game to see what could be improved or polished. Thank you for all your feedback and criticisms under the video, they really helped us a lot when it came to improve Phase 3A. But now without further ado let's get started!
General Updates:
For those who are unaware, all of the animation content up to Phase 3C has been fully completed, which means that the game can be played from start to finish, at least for the Sans Ending. However, that doesn't mean that Phase 3B and 3C are also completed or near completion, far from it actually, but we're going to discuss these two later on in the devlog.
As for Phase 1-3A:
The engine has been polished
Most of the dialogue have been rewritten
Some of the attack patterns have been balanced or slightly changed
Some small details that weren't present in the game before have been added, such as Papyrus's 4th line.

Sans’ animations for ending 3A have been made closer to the animation.

We also added the Determination/Fire effects to his sprite.

While we were polishing the game, we have finished all the main content for the overworld! We also implemented 4 new rooms, which are:
The entrance of Alphys' lab
The River Person room
The exit of Alphys' lab
First room of Hotland
In spite of the main content being completed, we're currently concentrating on getting the side content done. The side content more specifically is everything that isn’t required for game progress. Presently, a good part of it has been coded, but most of it still needs to be rewritten and/or implemented in the game.

Progress on Phase 3B has been going smoothly, although it isn't much. We've gotten a general idea on how the phase will be structured, we just need to turn those concepts and ideas into the real deal. A couple of new attacks have also been made, but we can't show them off just yet. For now, just take a look at the original ones that have been recreated:

All of the animation content for Phase 3C has been completed as well! But this only applies for the first part of phase. As you probably know, the rest of the fight was scrapped in favour of something else...
Phase 3C will be the biggest and longest phase in the entire game, and it will probably be the reason why this game will take a while to release. This is also the reason that we're locking ending 3C behind the completion of both endings 3A and 3B. Despite that, we're looking forward to working on it. Here's what it has been completed so far:

We appreciate everyone who has supported CALL OF THE VOID since the start of the Pre-Animation Era. We love every single one of you! That's all we had in store for this devlog. Sadly, there won't be a new devlog any time soon. We're currently focusing on making progress on Phase 3B, it will probably take a while to complete. Anyway, we will make sure to keep you guys updated. See ya!