Hey everyone, it's been another minute. This one will be quite short, but will contain some new news about the game going forward, its current status, and some new stuff. Let's get into it!

It's worth noting that this will be the final devlog until the game releases. This was said before, in the last devlog, but due to my current situation, I figured it best to at the very least give you guys something to have until we release the game.
My situation
I wanted to let y'all know that until January of 2024, the game will slow down development. I'm currently in the process of a move, and starting November 27th, I will not be able to work on the project outside of keeping team members on-task.
Due to this move, as well as other real life factors, we also had to put the game on hold for a bit. I wanted to let you guys know that the initial plan was to release the game on Christmas day of this year, and we were on schedule to do so until my real life began taking a toll on the games development.
I'm in the process of graduating early, so if it goes through, I will be able to work on Jevilswap much more often than I normally would. This will hopefully speed up the process of the games development tremendously (especially considering I'm the lone programmer on this project...)
I say this because I believe that we can realistically get something out in 2024. The game has very little left to do gameplay wise, but does require more work on the story and encounters. I want this extra time to further flesh out the games mechanics, and make the game a genuinely fresh experience, unlike any other fangame. Please understand.
General progress
I've been coming up with a few quality of life improvements regarding the new gameplay mechanic mentioned before, as well as some new ones that improve the overall experience outside of the story.

Ignore the .gif above, but the games development has slowed down due to the aformentioned issues I stated before. I'm in the process of picking things back up, with new game enhancements being worked on, even more bugfixes, and the last of the sprites being implemented.
The final boss of the section is about 90% completed, with the last 10% being finishing the writing and the final few bug fixes. It's been put on the backburner so I can focus on the mini-bosses and cutscenes, with those being around 60% done combined.
I'm experimenting with making the environments feel more alive and pretty, but I'm not sure how far I will go with this. Undertale has a very simple visual style but it's still very charming, and we may decide to just stick with this visual style over the one we've been considering.

However, I personally think the game looks good enough as is, and doesn't need to go a hundred extra miles. Elements of this change may be incorperated into future segments, however! Only time will tell...

I've also been making a lot of updates to the UI and inventory. Your cellphone also has its own new features, rather than just calling people. What are those features? I won't elaborate, but it has to do with the new mechanic I spoke about a while ago...
On an unrelated note, @Sad_Bread_Official said our leaf piles have dual purpose.

These songs have been finished for quite a while, but I did want to upload some new tracks to satiate y'all's appetite!
Our intro is a bit different from other intros you may be familar with. What story will be told, and will it be entirely new or one of familiarity? Only time will tell, I suppose...
Haven't heard from everyone's favorite ghoul in a bit. I want to keep the majority of their stuff, including character arc and area, a secret, as it has plenty of surprises in store for you that I'd hate to spoil.
Yes, our first song from Snowdin Slopes, debuting with Papyrus' theme! We've heard his stellar beats before (willingly or otherwise), but what else does he have in store for us when we finally meet him?
This is probably going to be the final music drop until the game releases. The rest of the soundtrack spoils the experience more than these other ones do, so it'd be best to keep things under wraps until the game goes public.
Even though in the last devlog, we said content shown would be scarce from then on, I felt it necessary to not leave you guys in the dark on the situation. Please understand.
As stated previously, this will hopefully be the final devlog before anything playable releases. Hopefully it will be enough to satiate y'all until the day arrives!
There's so much more I want to show, but spoilers suck. Please look forward to the games release!

- Jevilhumor