Now that I'm on vacation I had more time to continue developing the game and so that's why I've been able to get a new devlog so soon for you guys.
Anyways, the development of the game has been going really smoothly so far and so a lot has been finished in a small amount of time.
Green Hill Zone Act 1 is finally finished and you can see some sneak peaks with the screenshots above. The level right now is long enough but it might be extended in the future if it needs to.
The outside section of Tails House is also done and you can see a little preview of it with the screenshot above.
I've also went back to Sonic's House to update somethings, and the overall gameplay of the house serving as a tutorial is much better now.
And of course I've fixed a lot of bugs (took me way too much time than it should have tbh ).
I've also updated the Main Menu by adding 5 new little Icons:
Tree Of Destiny (It will show you all the choices that you've made and where they all leed to.)
Codes (It will be usefull for perhaps a Level Select, Debug Mode, getting all achievements...)
Gamejolt API (You'll be able to synchronize your achievements in-game to Gamejolt.)

Right now I'm mainly working on some achievements that you probably already saw on the game's page.

This is the end of the devlog, I think all of that is decent progress for only a little over a week of work.
I'll see you all next time for what's maybe going to be the last devlog before the prologue's release!